
Monday, March 15, 2004

Candide Has Left The Building

Yes, it's true, "Candide" has closed, the set is struck, and all that's left is the "thank yous".

We had a great time with the show and the blog, and hope you all enjoyed it too.

I hope the blog pulled some of you in to see the show, which did end up being sold out from pretty much the 2nd Saturday night all the way to Closing.

And I hope everyone who wanted to was able to get in and see the show!

Don't forget, Foothill Music Theatre is putting on a great American musical, "Ragtime" this summer.

"Ragtime" reaffirms that musical theatre is truly an art form at which we, as a nation, excel. Particularly musical theatre with a plot, a heart and a soul, not just spectacle.

I hope we'll see you all back here for the Foothill "Ragtime" blog this summer.
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